drivingExtreme weather can be really dangerous and frightening to be driving in. Sloppy roads, bad weather, winter storms, and several other problems result in terrible car crashes every year. A reputable piece of research suggests that around one million people are involved in accidents every year, out of which almost two thousand individual lose their lives.

Sure, most of us have places to be and things to do, which is why we are always in a rush. However, when you speed up your vehicle on snowy, icy roads, the chances of accidents increase significantly. That said, sometimes maintaining a grip on your car on snowy roads can be difficult even if you aren’t rushing. Mentioned below are some effective tips that will help you drive your car safely on long and short distances.

Driving Tips for Cold Weather


Be Prepared

This one goes without saying. You should be extra cautious when driving on slippery surfaces. Be aware of your surroundings and the car right in front of you. There is very little room for error when it comes to winter time driving, so ensure that you show your car to a renowned auto repair service and steer clear from any trouble down the line.

Mind the Driving Distance

Being mindful of your driving distance can save you from a lot of potential accidents. The usual rule that most people follow when it comes to stopping distance is that of four to five seconds. While that is a sufficient amount of times to stop your car before it crashes, it is not enough for the winters. Instead, it would be best to consider increasing the stopping distance to eight or ten seconds for slippery roads.

Only Power Up When Necessary

Applying too much gas on roads covered with snow is a terrible idea and could make the wheels spin in every direction. Make sure you only power up your car when necessary. You should especially avoid powering up the engine on slopes and hills. Instead, it would be better to reduce your speed and allow the inertia to take your vehicle to the top.

Here are some other tips that will help you stay safe when driving in winters:

  1. Avoid putting your car on cruise control, especially when the surface you’re driving on is slippery because of snow or ice
  2. Do not warm your car up inside a garage or any other enclosed area
  3. Ensure your tires have adequate tread and are inflated
  4. Always keep essential winter gear in your vehicle. This could include things like medications, blankets, scrapers, flashlight etc.

Are you anxious about taking your car out for a drive during winters? If yes, consider booking an appointment with a reputable auto repair service to ensure your vehicle is primed for icy roads to enjoy stress free driving.