

When driving, if you ever notice a warning light illuminating on the dashboard, make sure to bring your vehicle in as soon as possible. This is especially important if the warning light will start flashing. If the warning light starts to blink, it may indicate that there is a more serious issue with part of your vehicle.


Check-Engine Light


If the light comes on, it could mean one of many things. The first thing you should do if you notice the light on is to make sure that the gas cap is tightened. Many new vehicles have a pressurized fuel system. They also have a vapor recovery loop. This can result in the check engine light coming on. That is because after filling up with fuel, the gas cap may not be twisted on until it clicks. This will mean that the fuel system is not sealed off. After checking the gas cap, the light should turn off. If it does not, there could be an issue with the engine or surrounding parts.


Service Engine Light


If this light illuminates, it may indicate that you are getting close to a scheduled maintenance interval. It could mean that oil temperatures, engine temperatures, or other issues may be and indicator of stress on your vehicle. If you notice this light flashing, make sure to bring the vehicle in as soon as possible so we can inspect what the issue may be.


Electrical Fault Light


This light is sometimes confused with a battery issue, because it looks like a picture of a battery. If the alternator becomes faulty or damaged, it could result in this warning light illuminating. It could also be caused from a drive belt snapping. The longer you drive, the more the vehicle will use up the remaining power in the battery. This can lead to the engine eventually dying. If the light comes on, make sure to bring your vehicle in as soon as possible so we can inspect it for you and get you back to enjoying your drive.