auto-repair-9When keeping your vehicle in the best condition possible, it is important to inspect all parts and components of the vehicle. This even includes checking the sensors that are in the vehicle. The coolant temperature sensor, abbreviated as CTS, in your vehicle is an important device. It enables the control unit to give alerts if the engine is overheating or if the temperature within the system is rising for some reason. If you notice that the temperature rises in the vehicle more often, make sure to schedule a time to have it inspected. This can help keep the vehicle performing at ideal levels when you drive. Making sure the engine does not overheat can keep it running longer as well.

What the Coolant Temperature Sensor Does

This device works on the principle of dependence of potential difference in temperature. As the temperature of the engine changes, the potential difference output of the device also changes. The engine’s control unit can measure this. Thus, the coolant temperature sensor is a thermistor. The temperature of a thermistor influences its resistance in an inverse proportion. As the temperature rises, the resistance of the coolant in the vehicle drops and this in turn decreases the potential difference output. This voltage output is sent to the electronic control unit of the vehicle, which constantly measures the resistance across the coolant of the vehicle. By this continuous monitoring of coolant resistance and the voltage output, the coolant temperature sensor sends temperature information to the engine control unit of the vehicle.

Where the Sensor is Located

Different manufacturers install the coolant temperature sensor differently. However, it is usually in close proximity of the thermostat of the cooling system, or inside it. There may be two temperature sensors in some vehicles, one to send information from the engine system to the control unit and another from the control unit to the dashboard. However, some vehicles dispense with the need for two temperature sensors by using just one sensor to do both tasks. If there are two sensors, one of them is the coolant temperature sensor while the other is more correctly called the coolant temperature-sending unit, which sends information from the control unit to the dashboard of the vehicle.

Signs that the Sensor should be Replaced

If your vehicle starts to use a lot more gasoline than usual, or black smoke is starting to come from the exhaust pipe, these are indicators that the coolant temperature sensor in your vehicle could be defective, and needs to be replaced. If you start having trouble starting your vehicle after it has reached its normal operating temperature, this is usually a very good sign that you need to have the coolant temperature sensor checked. Another sign of your coolant temperature sensor not functioning properly is if your engine is overheating frequently. This can possibly happen when the coolant is leaking, causing the temperature sensor to behave erratically. In many vehicles, a faulty coolant temperature system will trigger a check engine light or service engine light on the dashboard. Make sure to bring the vehicle in and we can inspect it for you.